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Collamat Linerfree® labeling machines

Take action on lowering your Carbon footprint

Sustainability – The word on everyone’s lips

Sustainability is becoming a necessity for companies worldwide due to the increased focus on climate change and the emergence of the 17 UN Global Goals (SDGs).

All the more, closing the knowing/doing gap by embracing a green approach to business practices is crucial. 

As a result, most companies today have a CSR business strategy, which includes lowering CO2 emissions and eliminating waste.

Global goals & green solutions

The SDGs call on companies everywhere to advance sustainable development through the investments they make, the solutions they develop, and the business practices they adopt.

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Collamat S-Series Labeling Machines

Collamat Linerfree® tamp-on

Sustainable labeling of moving products without waste. Custom-printed labels of variable length. Double operating time and fewer storage costs.

Collamat Linerfree® wipe-on

Sustainable labeling without waste. Custom-printed labels of variable length. Double operating time and fewer storage costs.

Want to know more?

Calo Amato

Vice President

+41 61 756 28 50

Markus Maurer

Technical Manager

+41 61 756 28 27